
Current issues

 Issues that are -or should be- in everyone’s minds right now. These can be hot topics that have already been discussed for a while now (such as climate change) or new and unexpected -to some at least- issues (such as the Ukrainian/Russian conflict).

Such articles will be published on a regular basis, at least once a month, and tackle relevant and interesting issues.

I will choose the issues based on my own interest and knowledge and try to give an accurate summary and analysis of the situation.

Please feel free to use the contact form, to let me know about issues you would like to see tackled here/to know more about -and I’ll do my best to respond to such requests

High Seas Treaty

High Seas Treaty

Earlier this month, an agreement has been reached at the United Nations (UN) on the protection of the high seas. This has been discussed for over 20 years and marks a great step in the protection of the international waters.

War of agression in Europe in the 21st century

War of agression in Europe in the 21st century

On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation started the invasion of Ukraine. This invasion is a violation of the UN Charter and is the start of an international armed conflict and therefore marks the start of the applicability of International Humanitarian Law.

Occupied Palestinian Territories and UN resolutions

A month ago, on December 30th, 2022, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted a resolution asking the International Court of Justice (the ICJ) to give an advisory opinion on the impact of the Israeli practices on human rights in occupied Palestinian territories (OPT).